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All faculty members of TCA are approved academically, morally, spiritually, and physically by the TCA administration before they join the faculty. They are required to meet the educational requirements to be certified by the South Carolina Association of Christian Schools. However, the foremost requirements for teachers at TCA are an unselfish dedication to Christian education, a sincere love for children, and a complete devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ.



TCA uses both Bob Jones University (BJU) and Abeka curriculum. These companies have a proven track record in their commitment to education. They are committed to an educational philosophy of giving students the tools to succeed in life, in work, and in their witness for Christ.



Students are encouraged to approach chapel as a worship and devotional time during which they may learn about God in a different context from the classroom. Students are required to bring their Bibles to Chapel. The format and presentation of Chapels will vary occasionally, but mature, respectful, and appropriate behavior is always expected. Inattentive, disrespectful, and/or disruptive behavior is unacceptable. Every speaker or group, as a guest of Temple Christian Academy, deserves our respectful attention. Separate chapel services are held weekly for elementary and middle/high school students. Parents are encouraged to visit during any chapel service.



Honest behavior is an expectation of all students at Temple Christian Academy. Our goal is to create and maintain an ethical academic atmosphere. Acts of academic dishonesty which will not be tolerated are listed below but not limited to:


† Cheating- Do not copy answers from another student on any classroom assignment, test, or quiz.


† Fabrication- Cheating by faking results or "making up" something that one presents as true, factual, or real.


† Facilitating Academic Dishonesty- Do not allow another student to copy your answers on assignments or exams. Do not take an exam or complete an assignment for another student.


† Plagiarism- Copying or representing another’s ideas, words, or work as one’s own without properly citing the source. Plagiarism includes the misuse of published material, electronic material, and/or the work of other students.


† Unacceptable Collaboration- Collaboration is unacceptable when a student works with another student or others on a project and then submits written work which is represented as the student’s own individual work.

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